
Friday, January 20, 2012

Stuck at home again?

I woke up to an email from a good friend asking if I had any workouts that could easily be done at home.  Yes, of course I do!  I love being able to get a little workout in without having to trek to the gym, especially if the roads are nasty.

Here are a few fun numbers!

EMOTM 20 minutes (EMOTM = EveryMinuteOnTheMinute)
(Set time to go off every minute. Here is a handy desktop timer I found.  I have the Workout Hero app on my iPhone.) 

5- Pushups *find you difficulty level - see video below.
10- Sit Ups
15 –Air Squats


10 rounds for time:

10 burpees *see video below.
10 sit-ups

Now you have no excuse! Put on some good music and get your workout in for the day. 

Have fun and let me know what you do below!

 Push-up demo.

 Burpee demo.


  1. OR do BOTH!! How many minutes for the EMOM?

    1. Both sounds like a lovely idea!! 20 minutes, every minute on the minute! :) enjoy
