
Friday, May 11, 2012

WOD-MOD wk 13 {back in action!}

I know, I has been a while, far too long. I have been busy getting into the routine of school, a new job and upping my cycling training for some summer events - all of which I have thoroughly enjoy, but it has all put the blog on the back burner. BUT, it is time to get back to the blog.

We each did our own MOD's earlier in the day.  I made a trip to the crossfit gym and enjoyed a killer 30 minute WOD while Meredith ran 10 miles (she is still training for a marathon on June 2).  

WOD {workout of the day}

This was an fantastic workout- long and hard- just what I wanted. 

AMRAP 30 minutes at Stoneway Crossfit

8 KB Swings
Walk 10′
8 Push ups
Walk 10′
8 Box Jumps
Walk 10′
8 V-ups

  • You could easily do this WOD at home or the park by omitting the KB swings or subbing a different exercise. Possible exercises to substitute : sit-ups, lunges, tricep dips...
  • Use a bench at the park for box jumps.